Lessons in Lunacy and Lycanthropy
The first weekend of September will witness an intriguing first, in the shape of Britain’s only ever academic werewolf conference. Held at the University of Hertfordshire, and entitled ‘The Company of Wolves: Sociality, Animality, and Subjectivity in Literary and Cultural Narratives – Werewolves, Shapeshifters, and Feral Humans’, attendees can hear papers with intriguing titles like ‘Wolf Children’, ‘The Sound of the Cinematic Werewolf’, and ‘Werewolves and Paranormal Romance’. Other events include a visit to the 18th century grave of a local ‘wolf boy’, a lycanthropic antique magic lantern show, and an opportunity to ‘walk with wolves’ at the nearby UK Wolf Conservation Trust.
“People have been fascinated by human to wolf transformations, down the years, especially in film,” explained conference organiser Dr Sam George. “Many remember Lon Chaney in Wolf Man or the cult classic An American Werewolf in London, or the terrifying transformation scene from Company of Wolves….but how many people actually know the different ways that you can become a werewolf according to folklore or that there were actually werewolf trials in France and Germany where people were hanged and found guilty of lycanthropy, the correct name for this phenomenon? We want to draw attention to these little known facts and discuss the werewolf in all its many transformations.”
Words by Gavin Baddeley
Those who crave a less scholastic way to get in touch with their wild side, might like to check out our popular Wolf Bullet Faux Stretchers [E326] or indeed our understated tribute to moon madness, the Wolf Pendant [P252]. And if you’re planning on any shapeshifting, then might we suggest our Wulven Belt Buckle [B74], to help ensure you still have your trousers when you change back…