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Daily Archives: 26 June 2012

Vampire Hunting Kit Makes a Killing

June 26th, 2012

An antique vampire-hunting kit, auctioned by the English firm Tennants last weekend easily exceeded estimates when it sold for £7,500 (around $11,500 or 9,500 Euros). Consisting of a mahogany case containing such slaying staples as a crucifix, stakes, a pistol and a rosary, the auctioneer’s valuer, Oonagh Drage, observed that it was “probably a novelty thing. It’s playing to people’s superstitions.” Similar kits have sporadically surfaced for sale at auction houses since the 1970s, and now occasionally appear on online bidding sites, but remain controversial.

While few experts believe that they were ever truly sold in the 1800s to protect travellers from the undead, some, like Ms Drage, suggest that they might have been marketed as Victorian Gothic novelties. Several well-informed sceptics – like Jonathan Ferguson, curator of firearms at the Leeds Royal Armouries – have cast doubt on the idea that any of the vampire-hunting kits are authentic antiques. Yet it was Mr Ferguson who made the winning bid on the museum’s behalf. “We’ve yet to establish a firm date for our kit, but we know it will attract a lot of interest from our museum visitors”, he said.

While here at Alchemy we wouldn’t like to be seen as promoting vampire-hunting – some of our best friends are undead – anybody looking to sport a crucifix motif is spoilt for choice by our range, featuring everything from the subtle Pugin’s Cross ring to the flamboyance of the Torquemada Cross-Tegere earring. Dedicated foes of the denizens of darkness might also like to consider the Eschat Pinn or Death of a Vampire – two pendants with stake motifs that should show even the bloodthirstiest ghouls that you mean business…


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