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Monthly Archives: April 2014

The Crow

April 25th, 2014

The Crow was one of the biggest cult movies of the 1990s. Starring Brandon Lee and based on James O’Barr’s graphic novel series of the same name, it inspired late 20th century gothic fashions and introduced a new generation to some great tunes thanks to its alternative soundtrack. And now, it’s one of the latest films to get a modern reboot.

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What Is Goth?

April 24th, 2014

I have avoided the answering the dreaded WIG question for some time, mainly because in truth there is no one answer and certainly none anyone will agree on. Like religion and politics this question has dominated countless chats and discussion boards to the point where Godwin’s Law is the only resolution.

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Get the Strigoi off my Back!

April 11th, 2014

Strigoi? Yes, I spelled that right. It’s a Romanian word. What is a strigoi? Well, you could say it’s a zombie/ghost like creature that…actually I’m not here to explain the term to you, get the freakin’ Google search for that. I’m here to tell you a true story.

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