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Beauty Tricks

Beauty_tricks.docxWith the summer coming, even as a vampire, you need to watch your body and health more closely. You want to be perfect for the summer and those warm, sexy summer nights. No matter how much you want to avoid the sun, the sun must not want to avoid you, figuratively speaking of course, I do truly advice you to avoid the sun at all costs.

Here are three of my most effective tips for a perfect body and soul.

Red PasBeauty_tricks.docx1sion Smoothie

This is one of my favorite recipes for making a perfectly energizing smoothie. Being an immortal is good, but being a healthy immortal is crucial. Start with putting two passion fruit, two crow’s claws and a handful of pigeon eyes in the blender. Fill the blender up with two glasses of blood. The blood must come from a man or a woman you feel attracted to. The blood must be no more than one day old if you want the smoothie to be as energizing as I make it. Mix it all together, add fresh mint leaves, half a toad and a few dead man’s fingernails, and there you have it. Bottom’s up!

Beauty_tricks.docx2“Time Off” Bath

If it worked for Ms Báthory then it surely must work for you too. Let’s face it, a vampire has to let go of all that stress and tension from time to time. Set a romantic mood in your bathtub, light up some red and pink candles, put some of your favorite music on and fill that bathtub with warm and heart filling blood. Now, sit back and relax. Feel the blood touch your skin as it rejuvenates you from the inside out and think only of happy thoughts and happy killings. Even if you cannot see your reflection in the mirror, you will know you look good. Your skin will feel like you have just fed off a thousand goddesses.

A Pet’s Love

A smoothie gives you health, a bath makes your skin look good but what about your constant state of mind? They say that pets make us feel happier. Wouldn’t you like one for yourself? That cute face they make when you come home or when you are about to take them for a walk? Do make sure your pet has a healthy human diet and train it well. They are very cute when they are small and those begging eyes can make you forgive them for almost anything but when they grow up they can become rather territorial and bossy.

So there you have it, feel good, look good, and feel confident. Now you are ready to face the summer and get any man or woman you want. Have a good hunt and be graceful while doing so.

By Niguanta




Once you are done tending to your inner vampire, make sure your outer vampire shows your new confident self with this Passion collection from Alchemy England. Use the inner strength gained from your blood bath to make the Swarovski crystals dangling from your ear and throat glint and glimmer in the moonlight with both our Passion [E287] earwrap and necklace [P530]. Then pair these off with the Passion bracelet [A80] and ring [R167] pulling the strength, sensuality and confidence found in blood and magic right down to your fingertips.passion-2passionpassion-4passion-1

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