Inaripatii- The Wings
November 2nd, 2015I have never been very fond of the human kind. Too plain for my taste, too dull. I did however follow their wars and quarrels from time to time when on greater scale and now and then my curiosity took over when it came to their bizarre traditions. That must have been my destiny for that is how it all started. And that is how I met him.
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Harmless Curses
October 26th, 2015Bram Stoker International Film Festival
October 23rd, 2015For almost as long as there have been feature films, there have been vampire films. The first of it’s kind Nosferatu or “Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens” as it was was originally titled being released in 1922. Although there are now very few copies of this film due to a long and difficult battle over copy write it is regarded as one of the most influential masterpieces in cinema. Stories about vampires have captivated audiences for hundred of years, with the novel Nosferatu was based on, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, celebrating it’s 125th anniversary this year.
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October 23rd, 2015Werewolf Killings Part Two.
October 16th, 2015There was a complete chaos at the City Hall. The crime scene was surrounded by at least a dozen reporters and hundreds of civilians. I barely managed to reach my Crime Scene Investigation team. All I could think of was the body. I wanted to see the body. I needed to see that body! That was the only way to discover if I was the criminal.
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My Halloween
October 5th, 2015I wanted to write a special bloody, dark article for Halloween. But, when I thought more about it I realised that my articles are always dark and twisted so I wouldn’t be able to make it special in that manner. The only way I could make this article special was to share with you what Halloween actually means to me and in doing so perhaps you could tell me what Halloween means to you.
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Vampire or Werewolf?
September 30th, 2015
It’s the ultimate question, isn’t it? Do you choose a vampire or a werewolf as your ideal partner? Cold or hot? Night or day? A wolf or a bat? It’s basically choosing between two completely different characters, though both are nocturnal and have a lust for blood, both are very dangerous and quite unpredictable and both are…well…let’s just say lethal in every way possible!
I have never been able to choose between vampires and werewolves. Though I am sure a lot of you think the answer must be obvious.
I must decide once and for all, but how?
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