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Lammas and the legend of John Barleycorn

August 5th, 2022

Lammas: the first harvest festival of the Wiccan wheel of the year!

This rite is celebrated at the beginning of August (1st/2nd) and marks the grain harvest and the first yield from the union of the god and goddess. It is a spectacular time to commemorate, full of intriguing myths and fascinating deities to honour!

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Kill or Cure: Victorian Remedies

June 30th, 2022

The Victorian era is known for many advancements in society, and none so important as the understanding of medicine with the groundbreaking development of anesthesia and the establishment of antiseptic surgery. However, by today’s standards the practices are considered truly peculiar and on the verge of butchery in some cases! But the remedies used for the common ailments were undoubtedly fascinating.

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Review: The Lighthouse

May 31st, 2022

Warning – spoilers ahead!

From the esteemed director who brought us ‘The Witch,’ comes another disturbing tale of ‘The Lighthouse.’ The film is loosely based on Welsh folklore and tells the story of two men (actors William Defoe and Robert Pattinson) who become marooned on an island while working as lighthouse keepers and start to go insane. The film leans heavily on mythological themes while exploring both sexuality, identity, and madness in midst of a nightmare scenario!

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Alchemy NFTs

May 5th, 2022

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The Medieval Method: Torture

April 26th, 2022

The Middle Ages conjures images of impoverished peasants, filthy prison cells, and torture chambers reserved for even the most minor crimes. And those contraptions designed to extract confessions and punish sinners were created with utmost barbarity – many devices were constructed in such a way that death didn’t come for hours even days. Such are the methods of an experienced torturer – to maim but not murder until what they needed was obtained!

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Spring Rites and Rituals

March 24th, 2022

Everywhere you look you can see, smell and experience Spring finally arriving. It is a time for renewal and a fresh outlook – and how can you celebrate and make the most of this new season?
I will give you a few ideas…

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The Tale of the Vampire

March 4th, 2022

The vampire is known to anyone who has ever opened a book or seen a film – characterised typically by a lust for blood or flesh, sharp fangs, and an undead form.

From the teen heartthrobs of Twilight to the kickass creatures of Blade, vampires have been part of modern fantasy and fiction. But could there be any truth to the original stories? Are these tales purely the work of frightful imagination or is there any real evidence of the vampire accounts?

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Year of the Tiger – Lunar New Year

February 1st, 2022

We would like to wish a happy new year to all of our friends in the east. We hope the year of the Tiger will be a prosperous one for you all.

Krampus: The Dark Side of Christmas

December 23rd, 2021

Who is Krampus?

Krampus is a less well-known figure associated with the Christmas holiday – while St Nicholas rewards the good children, Krampus punishes the bad!

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Poe: Man of Mystery

November 26th, 2021

Edgar Allan Poe, circa 1849Everyone who is into gothic culture knows the name, Edgar Allan Poe. The genius writer of gothic literature is as well-known as The Adams Family or Frankenstein to anyone who is a fan of the dark side of life! Poe was a master crafter of mystery and the macabre but did you know his own death was just as mysterious as his works? The circumstances surrounding his demise are still unclear and the cause remains never truly understood.

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