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Halloween Myths and Magic!

October 28th, 2021

At long last, it is that time we have all been waiting for… Samhain, All-Souls Eve – HALLOWEEN!

And what is more iconic than those scary-looking carved pumpkins sitting on every porch or in every window? But where did this tradition come from? Why the big orange veg?

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Wiccan Harvest Festival: MABON

September 20th, 2021

What is Mabon?

The Wheel of the Year is turning and for many people, this means the descent into those dreary darker months – cue colder weather (more unpredictable than usual), darker nights and leaves falling fast!
But it is also a wondrous time of year for those that follow the seasons as we approach our Autumn Equinox; Mabon. (September 21st-22nd)

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Baphomet: Deity or Demon?

August 12th, 2021

Who is Baphomet?

Baphomet is a mystery. A contradictory and enticing symbol depicting a goat headed god with both male and female anatomy often surrounded by symbols and markings. And currently Baphomet is more popular than ever; influencing subculture scenes, fashion and much more! But it is so often misunderstood and is frequently tarnished with the same ideology of being a symbol of darkness and evil. In fact, Baphomet is not so simple as that. And to say that Baphomet is meant to represent all things in the universe is only the tip of the iceberg.

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Fantasy Forest Festival – Rise Of The Phoenix

July 23rd, 2021

Driving through the cotswolds you’d be forgiven for thinking you have fallen into some chocolate box faery realm, but that’s just on a normal day. Last weekend the fae folk flocked, swarmed and pirouetted amidst the beautiful grounds of Studley Castle nestled in the cotswolds hills near the Medieval market town of Winchcombe. Steeped in history this beautiful estate even has Tudor Queen Catherine Parr buried in its grounds. This provided the stunning backdrop to the wonderful creatures of the Fantasy Forest Festival.

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Happy St. George’s Day

April 23rd, 2021

We would like to wish everybody a happy St. George’s Day.

To learn more about the story of St. George and the Dragon you can read our previous blog here.

Message in a Bottle

February 14th, 2021

In times like these we should stay safe, think of one another and appreciate all the beautiful little things that surround us. And, Alchemy will keep you company through this challenging period with a little story now and then.


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Happy Lunar New Year

February 12th, 2021

We would like to wish a happy new year to all of our friends in the east. We hope the year of the Ox will be a prosperous one for you all.

To learn more about the Luna New Year you can read our previous blog here.

Revenge of The Ultimate Alchemy Lockdown Filmfest III

July 24th, 2020

Welcome to the third and final part of our journey to the darkest fringe of the underbelly of modern cinema. If this is the first you’ve heard of this, best to begin with the first two parts here – [Part 1] & [Part 2]. If you’ve already made your way through those crackpot classics and mutated masterpieces, here are your last dirty dozen. And it only gets weirder! Turn the lights down, and brace yourself for dodgy dinner parties, alcoholic werewolves, and the end of the world, vampire style! Hit the lights!…

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The Ultimate Alchemy Lockdown Filmfest Strikes Back II

July 17th, 2020

Welcome to the second part of our guide to the past decade’s best – and baddest – underground cinema. If you missed the first part, check it out here first. If you’ve already explored the first exploitation extravaganza, buckle up for more movie madness, as we meet some dangerous punks, battle a brace of werewolves, and get our asses kicked in Indonesia. Grab the popcorn, crack open a beer, and hit play!…

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The Ultimate Alchemy Lockdown Filmfest

July 10th, 2020

I know I’m not alone when I say that over the past few months I’ve watched a lot of films. A hell of a lot of films. I’ve also had friends – aware that I write about weird movies and cult cinema – asking for film recommendations. Particularly the low budget flicks with all of the blood, balls, and brains typically missing from big budget blockbusters. I ultimately collected these into a few social media posts, detailing three dozen films worth seeing that had largely gone under the radar, the neglected gems you’ve never heard of that are hidden in the depths of the streaming libraries. The posts proved very popular and it struck me that they might prove useful resource for others. Particularly in the current climate, where everyone’s exhausted all of the high profile new releases and reliable old favourites that Netflix, Amazon and co have to offer.

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