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October 31st, 2019

Goddess Pendant (P845)Some people don’t celebrate Halloween. They find it strange and scary. But, whatever their opinion they do celebrate it in the end…they just don’t realise it.

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The Story of Stingy Jack

October 25th, 2019

Pumpkin HeadWith Halloween just around the corner it seems like a good time to explore the history of the popular pumpkin-based lighting solution known as the jack-o’-lantern.

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M’era Luna 2019

August 30th, 2019

M’era Luna has always been about the people for me, and this year was no exception. Echoing the sentiment I hear over and over again from each festival goer I encounter: we are here to see old friends, make new ones and strengthen connections made over time and tide. But what makes this festival different from others is that this sentiment is not just shared amongst those on the ground but through the bands that play and into the festival organisation.

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Forever is a Very Long Time

June 21st, 2019

Skull - Tea Light Holder (V74)I look daily at the pictures we took together. Even though it hurts, I can’t live a day without looking at them, looking at your face and your smile. The world was at our feet back then and nothing could have stopped us. At least that’s what we thought.

You hated crowds so we always spent the evenings in beautiful and deserted places. We’d light a candle, put some music, dance and just dream, though our dream had already come true. We found each other.

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May 17th, 2019

A recent enquiry from a ‘friend of Alchemy’ based in Australia, referred to an item he’d bought some 30 years ago from a Metal For Melbourne fest in Australia. The image above accompanied the message. His query was its identity and, in particular regarding the branding stamp on the reverse which simply said ‘POKER’.

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Alchemy’s Branding History

April 1st, 2019

The early branding of Alchemy jewellery was different to today’s markings. The company’s origins were, as is the case with many nascent companies, not straightforward and its identity evolved over time.

The very first products which launched the venture, around 1976, were a small collection of punk ‘anti-jewellery’, irreverent pins and pendants such as a toilet seat, a graffitied padlock and a bent screw, all made one at a time, hand cast from scrap lead and designed to shock! These were branded as ‘Poker’, with the name hand carved into the back of each model. Then, in 1977, we rented a small shop with a little room for a workshop behind. We named the shop Rieder’s Axe and the company, Rieder Design, after one of our heroes; a revered late 15th century Austrian armourer Kaspar Rieder, from Muhlau, Innsbruck who was a master metalsmith in magnificent gothic style, by appointment to Emperor Maximilian I.

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April Fool’s Day

April 1st, 2019

Alchemy will help you play a good trick on someone who does not know much about the dark world. All you have to do is stay as cold and serious as Morticia Addams.

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The End of the World – Medieval Style

February 22nd, 2019

The Book of Revelation – the final book of the Bible – describes the coming end of the world. Written in the 1st Century AD, the author appeared to expect the Apocalypse to occur in their lifetime. Happily, they were disappointed, but Christians have remained fascinated by the subject ever since, with doomsayers keeping it alive by reinterpreting Revelation to refer to their own age, or creating their own version of the imminent End Times. During eras like the Middle Ages, when few people could read, such warnings needed to be communicated visually.

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Valentine Ideas: a Little Help from Alchemy

February 13th, 2019

This year Alchemy will help you celebrate an amazing Valentine.
When you come home in the evening just follow these Alchemy steps and success is guaranteed!

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Year of the Pig – Luna New Year

February 5th, 2019

We would like to wish a happy new year to all of our friends in the east. We hope the year of the pig will be a prosperous one for you all.

To learn more about the Luna New Year you can read our blog from last year here.