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Castle Party

July 25th, 2014

Alchemy have attended very many open air rock concerts over the years going back to the 80’s, including the famous Donington “Monsters of Rock” events.

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Where did Alchemy Come From?

July 18th, 2014

An ancient, Egyptian mystery? A late Mediaeval ‘science’? A secret Renaissance enigma? Yes, all of these, but in more recent history it’s cultural impact has directly affected more people than all of these combined – but this time from Alchemy England!

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Wave Gotik Treffen

July 11th, 2014

Wave-Gotik-Treffen is the world’s largest meeting (or “treffen”) of darkly inclined souls. The largest recorded attendance was in 2000 with over 25,000 people and this never drops down below 15,000.

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Ielele, The Ladies of the Dawn

June 16th, 2014

Wake up before dawn, walk towards a nearby lake and wait there…Just wait would you? When dawn makes its presence, what would you see? A lake, you say? Just a lake? Are you sure? Well I’m afraid that’s not what people saw at that hour according to my grandma’s stories and Romanian folklore.

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Books of Blood

June 10th, 2014

While the dusty realm of the library’s seldom seen as a hive of excitement, a recent discovery at the library at Harvard University’s Houghton Library has been causing something of a stir. For experts have recently confirmed that a volume in the library’s collection is bound in human skin.

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Letters of the broken hearts

June 6th, 2014

When it comes to love, we don’t need Valentine’s day to make us feel special. Love is something that should be experienced every day, every moment and every second of our lives. Love is beautiful, but it is also deadly if not answered.

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May 28th, 2014

Recently returning from my first trip to Chicago for the 20th annual Goth Convergence, I’m filled with a rekindled enthusiasm for a scene that I fell in love with as a teen and reaffirmed how it is still as relevant to me and my life in adulthood.

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Download 2014

May 23rd, 2014

One of the UK’s biggest metal festivals will be taking place between 13-15 June at Donington Park near Derby. Download has been running for the last 11 years – it took over from the annual Monsters of Rock event – and this year there will be more than 100 bands playing across five stages with more acts being announced in the run-up to the big weekender.

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X-Men: Days of Future Past

May 19th, 2014

The latest X-Men movie will be hitting the big screen on 22 May. X-Men: Days Of Future Past takes characters from the original action trilogy and weaves them into a time-travelling story with a star-studded cast that includes Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. The new film revisits the past when the mutant superheroes join forces with their younger selves to save their species from the threat of extinction.

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Here Be Monsters!

May 16th, 2014

When we heard that monsters were loose in Rome, we despatched our most experienced monster-hunter, in the intrepid shape of Gavin Baddeley, to investigate post haste. He returned with the following report…

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