News & Community

Everything is the New Black

June 3rd, 2016

kitchen-black-appliancesYou want it in BLACK? No problem!

Looks like our favourite colour (there’s a debate in itself) is fast becoming accepted everywhere as the inherently stylish choice we always knew it was & gaining a positive reputation in the process.

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The Process of Alchemy (Part 1 – Design)

May 27th, 2016

Image1-IdeaHow is Alchemy England jewellery made?

Well, it doesn’t just appear out of a machine on the other side of the world, as many people quite often assume!

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Dear Mine

May 20th, 2016

Image1Dear mine,

Darkness should be the least of your concerns for it is in darkness where I cannot be seen. Light a candle and I’ll suddenly be there at your side, watching, stalking, waiting…

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The Original Lord of the Undead To Rise from the Grave. Again. Twice…

May 13th, 2016

Nosfer5Horror fans seldom greet the news of yet another Hollywood remake with much enthusiasm. It usually involves a well-loved classic being cynically resurrected as a cash-in. But if the team behind the revival are sufficiently interesting, or the film in question adequately iconic, then its possible to make exceptions.

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Leicester, City of Kings

April 29th, 2016


The city of Leicester’s star has truly risen.


From King Richard III’s visitor centre and the King Power Football Stadium, to Alchemy’s noble status as the alternative, creative royalty for almost 40 years – a last stronghold of Leicester/UK design & manufacturing! Producing jewellery celebrating our “Last Plantagenet” to creating badges for faithful Foxes fans, Alchemy has and continues to be indelibly associated with the city’s renown & success.

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April 22nd, 2016

2Apart from our rather adventurous route getting in and out of Brussels and the inability to say nor spell Coalescaremonium – it’s an event I thoroughly enjoyed and now plan to try and make it an annual pilgrimage.

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Alchemy Open Day for Trade Customers

April 8th, 2016


We are excited to announce the date of the Alchemy 2016 open day!

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A Little Mancunian Magic

April 1st, 2016

The John Rylands LibraryThe northern English city of Manchester is most often associated with soccer and perhaps its vibrant indie music scene. Yet this thriving metropolis also has much to offer the more darkly inclined.

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Spring: the battle between good and evil

February 29th, 2016

1Spring is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate it than with a sweet Romanian tradition?

The 1st of March is a special day in Romania. It’s called ‘Mărțișor’ and on this day all men offer women small gifts accompanied by a red and white ribbon. I usually wear the ‘Mărțișor’ as a brooch and the red and white ribbon as a bracelet around my wrist. When I come across the first tree in bloom, I tie the ribbon to one of its blooming branch and make a wish. They say that those kind of wishes always come true.

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Your Valentine – the darker side of the legend

February 14th, 2016

_MG_2053aTired of fluffy hearts and saccharine sentiments drowning you in sickening sweetness on the 14th February? Perhaps we should hark back to some of the origins and recapture a little of the original meaning of Valentine’s Day.

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